Friday, August 15, 2014

The most beautiful tourist cities quiet and romantic in the world information and pictures (Venice)


The is the first destination for lovers of romance, and ranked first undisputed; nothing more romantic than a tour with the one you love in traditional boats which is famous for the city and is one of the main features, and the Piazza San Marco is one of the most famous places that are keen visitors to the city to go to , including famous for its pigeons, which confers magical atmosphere of the place.

Of landmarks task that needs to be had reminded the Church of St. Marco Bakbabha five Eastern character, and its tower with a height of 100 meters, and can be for those who ascend to watch a spectacular view of the city, as there are dozens of bridges up the city together; most famous Rialto bridge and the bridge groans old, there are a lot of beautiful mansions that are worth a visit, including Grassi Palace and the Palace of Grimani