Friday, August 15, 2014

Bourbaki Panorama - giant circular painting

Soldiers dying by the roadside, civilians fleeing with their meager possessions and an army surrenders to the Swiss border: Bourbaki Panorama is an important document of the time, a rare example in the history of media and wars in the 19th century

The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 shocked the public opinion of the time. Newspapers have talked a lot and painters have been inspired. Bourbaki Panorama in Lucerne is a humanistic portrayal of the transition from the Swiss border by the French Army of the East under the command of General Bourbaki in winter 1871 and a severe critic of the war. Considered a European cultural monument, the panorama, which measures 112 meters by 10 meters, is one of the last giant circular paintings from the 19th century that has been preserved. The panorama painter Edouard Castres, has experienced war as a volunteer for the Red Cross. A museum (located near the Glacier Garden) presents the 1870-71 war, the fate of the Bourbaki army and the panorama creation