Thursday, June 12, 2014

The most important tourist cities:Tangiers

Tangiers (Amazigh: ⵟⴰⵏⵊⴰ) is a Moroccan city located in the north of the Kingdom of Morocco on the Mediterranean coast, with a population of 776 793 inhabitants, according to unofficial estimates [2], and thus the fifth largest city in Morocco in terms of population, after it was the sixth most populous cities of Morocco (b 685 669 inhabitants)
, according to the results of the census [1] of the static and residential 2004 Excellence Tangier being the meeting point between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean on the one hand, and between the European continent and African countries on the other hand. Tangier is the capital of the Tangier-Tetouan is one of the most important cities in Morocco. Tangier is one of the most important centers of commerce and industry in North Africa is also the city's economic pole for the large number of corporate headquarters and banks. And one of the most important centers of political, economic and cultural.
